Trevor Noah Redefines Success
Michael Biarnes Michael Biarnes

Trevor Noah Redefines Success

Trevor Noah has left The Daily Show and is redefining success along the way. Trevor has realized that his version of success contains a lot of things – not just his career. And so, he needed to find a way to make the time for the more holistic version of success that he sees for himself. But ultimately, he has taken the time to define what he wants his legacy to be which is a crucial first step.

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Death, Taxes, and “Oh Sh*t Moments”
Michael Biarnes Michael Biarnes

Death, Taxes, and “Oh Sh*t Moments”

The unfortunate truth is that life-altering moments are just as much a part of life as eating and breathing. How can we be better prepared for these events in life and how can we eventually overcome them?

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Gratitude:  A Secret Weapon
Michael Biarnes Michael Biarnes

Gratitude: A Secret Weapon

We all have countless things to be grateful for, but our tendency is to focus on the things others have that we want rather than everything we already have. But what if we took the time to truly appreciate the things we have by practicing gratitude?

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