What Golden Berries can teach us about the Growth Mindset
We know the growth mindset is essential to our professional achievement, but it can also be used in the way we eat, drink, consume entertainment, and interact with our communities.

Creating Your Own Life Report Card
It's so easy to start looking to your left and right - evaluating yourself against somebody else's report card. Take the time to define your own report card and what's important to you. Maybe that means a slower pace, different job, or less money is going to be fine with you, but don't feel ‘less than’ about yourself because somebody else is doing something differently.

Trevor Noah Redefines Success
Trevor Noah has left The Daily Show and is redefining success along the way. Trevor has realized that his version of success contains a lot of things – not just his career. And so, he needed to find a way to make the time for the more holistic version of success that he sees for himself. But ultimately, he has taken the time to define what he wants his legacy to be which is a crucial first step.

Learning from Mr. Irrelevant
Even if the odds may not be in your favor, that doesn’t mean that your goal or aspiration is not worth pursuing if it aligns with your values & Life Plan. Others may be critical, question your ability, or tell you that what you want isn’t likely to come true… But as Terry McDougall said during my interview with her for Redefining Success “You don’t have any business knowing what other people think of you.”

Death, Taxes, and “Oh Sh*t Moments”
The unfortunate truth is that life-altering moments are just as much a part of life as eating and breathing. How can we be better prepared for these events in life and how can we eventually overcome them?

The Sunk Cost Fallacy: Supersize Your Happiness
Let’s say you decide to pay extra to get the supersized combo meal at a given restaurant. Halfway through eating this meal, you realize you are disgustingly full and are no longer enjoying the meal. Do you stop eating? Learn how this valuable lesson applies to your career.

Gratitude: A Secret Weapon
We all have countless things to be grateful for, but our tendency is to focus on the things others have that we want rather than everything we already have. But what if we took the time to truly appreciate the things we have by practicing gratitude?

Why We Sometimes Feel Unfulfilled Despite Achieving “Success”
What does self-actualization mean to you?
How does your current work & lifestyle provide you with fulfillment? Can it be improved?

Life is like the Road to Hana
As we were looking back at pictures and reminiscing on this incredible journey, it struck me that the Road to Hana was the perfect metaphor for several important topics that I learned throughout my research for Redefining Success. Let’s dig into three lessons that stuck out to me:

Is Being a Workaholic Always Bad?
From my own personal research, I would argue that what matters most is that you have aligned your career choice around your priorities in life.

Mindfulness & Meditation – What’s the Science Say?
As a scientist, I was skeptical of mindfulness and meditation. So I dug into the research to discover whether these practices are actually beneficial.

Navigating Life Pivots: Olympics Edition
Life transitions are inevitable - hear about how Olympian Apolo Ohno has dealt with them!

Building Quality Relationships – A Better New Year’s Resolution Than Exercise
Good relationships keep us happier and healthier.

Comparing our way out of Success
Why comparisons are toxic, gratitude is underrated, and redefining success is key

The Importance of Defining Your Own Success
What is success? Most of us wander through life striving to be successful. But have you ever stopped to think about what that really means?